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For my first convention of the year, I zipped off to sunny and warm San Jose, CA to attend Further Confusion! Like other cons I’ve gone to, this one is of the “furry” variety and features artists, costumers, performers, and other creative attendees united by the love of animal characters. I participated in the Art Show this time around but did not actively sell; thanks to recent personal events, the break was sorely needed and well appreciated. If I’m able to go again, I’d love to do so with a more active presence in the Dealer’s Den or Marketplace.
As is normal for these conventions, I and many other attendees are often known by fan names, so I’ll try to keep things clear!
Friday, January 17th
I took a train and the light rail to the San Jose convention center with my friend Rondie and her brother. We’d spent the night with some of Rondie’s family in the area after I flew in on Thursday. Our other roomie had already checked into the hotel, so it wasn’t long before our stuff was stowed and Rondie and I headed down to registration. The attending line moved so slowly that Rondie got us moved into the sponsor line just so we could make it to the Art Show in time to hang before opening. We thankfully had some help getting our art up!

My panel in the FC art show.
I ran into several friends after that, including one who had been visiting her parents in the state and drove down to hang out with us for Friday only. Most of us went to lunch at Café Frascati to eat and catch up with each other. Kage’s Story Hour was scheduled for early afternoon, so we zipped back to the convention center next and managed to get seats in the front row on the right – perfect for me to do live doodles of the show again, though unfortunately the room was pretty dark during the performance! As at MFF, I handed off the drawings on-site and won’t have a copy until Kage has time to scan them, but some of the previous live drawings are now viewable here (including both shows at MFF).
The visiting friend and I then went around the vendors and the Art Show. I picked up a Starwhal Charm from the lovely Inki-Jinx, who I was delighted to meet after talking together on Twitter many times! The setup at FC is different than cons I’ve been to previously in that there is no Artist’s Alley, but there is an extension of the Dealer’s Den called the “Furry Marketplace” with slightly different rules. I’m glad to have an idea of how it works in person in case I am able to make it back in the future as a dealer.

A quadruped wooly mammoth costumed performer.
That night, I split a rice-crust pizza with artist friend Shiro at Pizza My Heart. It was a chilly walk there and back, but light jackets were enough – nothing like the crazy cold and snow my folks were getting back home. I spent a little time wandering around, getting a further feel for the con space and taking pictures of costumers while Rondie and my other roomies got ready to go to “Fancy Friday.” Then Shiro, his roomies, and I played a card game called Red Dragon Inn, which can accurately be described as a drinking game without real drinking, though that makes it sound far less fun than it is. By the time we had a winner, we were all ready for bed.
Saturday, January 18th
I got up at a decent hour and grabbed some coffee at a nearby shop. On the way there and back, I saw three incredibly tall palm trees and realized I had never seen real palm trees like that in person before! In the convention area of the hotel, I ran into another friend I hadn’t seen in a long time, and we talked while browsing the Dealer’s Den. I found an artist with a neat style and commissioned her to do a sketch of Moth Monarch in the sketchbook Rondie had made at MFF. After a bit more shopping, I started to feel funny, so I went down to the convenience store in the hallway and bought a Luna bar to eat.
This proved to be a big mistake. I felt much sicker and had to return to the room, where I remained for the next several hours dealing with intense nausea and weakness. Thankfully, my wonderful roomies came to the rescue with water and drinks; one even went to get the convention EMTs to check on me, though I insisted she stress that I was not dying, only very miserable. The EMTs did a very thorough job asking me questions and trying to be supportive while they figured out what was the matter. My hands were so cold that they had to prick my fingers four times to get me to bleed so they could test my blood sugar. They gave me a Gatorade, said I should be okay with more rest, and approved Rondie’s suggestion of giving me some anti-nausea medication. I started to feel better after I’d had more to drink and let the pill work. Rondie fetched me a salad from Frascati, which I ate super slowly; then, feeling about 80% normal, I decided to make the best of the situation and go enjoy what was left of the day.

Artwork of Moth Monarch by Christine Knopp.
The artist I’d commissioned had finished the sketch, so I thanked her, then went to play Cards Against Humanity in the game room with a bunch of friends. I’m good (or awful, depending on how you see it) at that game and had a blast amusing the other players with completely terrible card combinations. At 7 pm, I followed Shiro to the TF jam and hung out doodling bugs. A bee costumer came by and about made my night.

A bee costumer!
I managed to snag yet another friend, Kiry, to go with Rondie, the roomies, and I for dinner and drinks somewhere, as I’d said several times before the con that I’d like to do something together in memory of my dad. All the local bars were over capacity, too loud, or both, so eventually we just got a bottle of white zin from the hotel bar and took it up to the room while I ordered some food. We split the bottle four ways, toasted Dad, and engaged in silly tipsy conversation for the rest of the night. Rondie and I even performed an episode of Deep Space 9 we’d accidentally written while trying to figure out prices for the art show, complete with character voices and a guest appearance by Tuvok.
The hour grew late, we bid Kiry goodnight, and then the rest of us managed to keep each other up until 3 am by talking about life in the dark.
Sunday, January 19th
Rondie and I picked up our remaining pieces from the Art Show. I’d made one sale – “Colony Construction” – though before the con was over, I was contacted with an offer for two other pieces, and a third piece was spoken for before I left California. I also had interest expressed in “Mother Moon I” that led to a commission of a similar piece I’m currently working on. All things considered, I’d say it was a good show!

“Colony Construction” sold!
I spent most of the rest of the con with Shiro. We talked to other artists he knew in the Dealer’s Den while I made a few final purchases (a sticker and some caffeinated soap). He and his roommate got their pictures taken in their costumes and cooled off in the lounges. It was 7 pm and time for me to go before we knew it.
That evening, I had dinner with my con roomies and two of Rondie’s aunts at an Ethiopian restaurant. It was a new experience for me, and I tried everything even though I was still a bit nervous about my stomach and unknown food. Food is always an adventure with Rondie.
Monday, January 20th – Thursday, January 23rd
I was supposed to go home on Tuesday but found out my flight was cancelled shortly after checking in for it. The soonest I could reschedule was Thursday, which gave me more time in California! Rondie and I went to bookstores, coffee shops, the Winchester Mystery House, and the second Hobbit movie in the extra time. I drew, she wrote. We saw Pacific Rim and listened to a mix “tape” she’d made for me titled “All Hail Moth Monarch.” It was a lovely – if entirely unplanned – vacation, and I’m beyond grateful to her aunt for tolerating my presence in her house that much longer.

Rondie’s friend, Dafydd, slightly concerned he won’t be able to finish our banana split.
San Jose was lovely, and I can only hope I’ll find myself in California again next year. My next destination is Dallas, TX in late February!

I recently returned from Chicago and my first ever attendance of Midwest Furfest. The Windy City treated me and my companions well with easy transportation and mostly favorable weather throughout our visit! Midwest Furfest, which is held in nearby Rosemont, is another “furry” convention similar to Anthrocon with artists, performers, costumers, and other creative attendees. Since I’d never been to a convention just for fun before, I decided not to sell at this con and simply spend time with artist friends who were doing the same, though I did do some research by putting myself in the customers’ shoes in the Artist’s Alley and Dealer’s Den. The break came at a great time for me, as I’ve been hard at work preparing for an upcoming local show. I’d really like to do this convention again if I get the opportunity and work the Alley or Den.
As is standard with these conventions, I and many other attendees are known by friends and fans under nicknames or chosen titles other than our birth names. I will note others’ names as I know them or feel is most appropriate and do my best to clarify anything that may be confusing.
Wednesday, November 20th
I flew out of Philadelphia in the morning and touched down in Chicago in the early afternoon. I met up with my roommates, Rondie and her brother Roffie, in the baggage claim. We caught the shuttle to our hotel – the Aloft, an overflow for the convention – and got settled in. After exchanging some art and taking pictures, we had an early dinner at a nearby Mexican restaurant.

Rondie’s friend Dafydd with a card I made.
The Hyatt Regency, which was the convention hotel, was quiet when we went over. Most people had not yet arrived. I was stunned by its size and by the facilities available inside. Their check-in was on the second floor between a full bar and a restaurant. Only a few costumers and attendees were present, so after a little looking around, we went back to the Aloft and made plans for the next day.
Thursday, November 21st
Rondie, Roffie, and I took a few trains into downtown Chicago to explore. We took some pictures at Wabash and Lake – I’m told it’s a Matrix reference – then walked down to Millenium Park. It was a pleasant, well-kept park with a good view of the city and lots of trees. We took pictures around and under Cloud Gate, the mirror bean sculpture, and we considered going skating on the outdoor rink.
After a very long walk, we made it to Adler Planetarium and got to see the Gemini XII capsule, lots of old telescopes, and a couple displays on the Big Bang. Later, a short bus ride down the street let us off at the Field Museum of Natural History. Rondie was most interested in Sue, the most complete T-Rex fossil, while I was really happy to see and photograph some exhibits on bugs. I even got a “Moths of the World” poster in the gift shop.

Luna and other moths on display at the Field Museum.

One of many more insect displays at the Field Museum.
After returning from town, we all went to the Hyatt again. We went through registration, had dinner at the hotel restaurant, and wound up at the bar. I had something to drink and caught up with a few friends before catching the shuttle back to the Aloft for some sleep.
Friday, November 22nd
Once I arrived at the Hyatt for the day, I found some friends I’d missed the night before, and we went to Opening Ceremonies. After the lines died down a little, I visited the Artist’s Alley and Dealer’s Den, making several rounds in each. I looked at each table and paid attention to what did or didn’t catch my eye and why. Eventually, I picked an artist to do the first commissioned sketch of my new character, Moth Monarch; I also bought a small box decorated with pyrography.

Artwork of Moth Monarch by Tooiebird.
I attended Rondie and Roffie’s pony panel to support them and learn about real horses. Telephone, one of the cutest costumed performers in the entire fandom, showed up before they got started, and a horse fursuiter popped in just in time for the part of the panel discussing horse safety. I left just a few minutes early to make it to Kage’s Story Hour to hear the usual true-if-exaggerated tales and to live draw some of the things Kage was saying as if his character, a cockroach, were saying or experiencing them. I had a great time and stayed for 2 Gryphon’s comedy show afterward, which was abrasive with funny moments as it tends to be. Before leaving, I gave Kage the sheet of drawings, so sadly I have no pictures of it. He might scan it and send me a copy eventually.
A couple friends and I had a very late pizza dinner, talked for a while, and then went our ways. Rondie and I had to walk back to the Aloft in the cold because the shuttle stopped running well before we were ready to go.
Saturday, November 23rd
Rondie figured out how to get to the Hyatt from the Aloft via skybridge, so we walked over mostly indoors and warm. We went down to the art show to admire the art and see whether Rondie’s pieces had received any bids. I voted for my favorite piece in the show, then headed over to Artist’s Alley to pick up my sketch from Tooiebird. Rondie joined me in the Dealer’s Den, where we bought felted bunnies and I purchased a blank sketchbook for art trades. In the hallway, we ran into Damaris, who I know from past Anthrocons.
Rondie and I had lunch in the con suite (a hangout area, like Anthrocon’s Zoo). The tables were covered with paper for drawing on, so I doodled a bunch of bugs! Rondie drew Rainbow Dash as a realistic horse next to me. We met up with Damaris again a little later, and all three of us went to hang out in the Red Bar before it opened. We talked while Rondie and I did an art trade. I drew bugs in her sketchbook; she made something fantastic out of the cover of mine.

Rondie and I drawing at Red Bar. Photo by Damaris.

Sketchbook made by Tooiebird; hand-drawn cover by Rondie.
I then spent some time with other friends talking, singing, and drawing other things. I tried sarsaparilla. We ate at Red Bar and went to the charity show, which was incredibly funny and ridiculous. Again, I drew some of the shenanigans and presented the drawings after the show. Everything was fantastic.
Sunday, November 24th
During breakfast in the con suite, I met up with a couple repeat customers of my charms just to chat. I popped down to the Dealer’s Den and Alley once more for another look and to get a few last things. After more bouncing around, I went to Rondie’s Flash Fiction reading, though I didn’t read anything of my own in the end. At the end of the panel, Rondie read a fun little story called Death and the Cat.
We returned to the con suite for lunch, and I drew on the table again. After eating, we caught the last few performances in the dance competition. Rondie went to the fursuit games; I spent time with other friends until Closing Ceremonies.

Some of my paper tablecloth art.
The rest of the night was filled with odd and funny things. Some friends and I had pizza with 2. He popped my thumb joint to demonstrate it was possible. I got back to the friends’ room and an air mattress nearly fell on me. We played Cards Against Humanity and were temporarily awful people. A chair died suddenly and unexpectedly while being sat on.
It was time to say goodnight all too soon. The hardest part of any con is always leaving the last gathering and knowing you won’t see your friends again for months or even years. I walked back to the Aloft alone.
Monday, November 25th
I ate the leftover pizza for breakfast. Rondie, Roffie, and I packed up, checked out, and waited in the lobby until it was time to go to the airport. We parted ways in the shuttle. Several hours later, I watched the sun set over the clouds in midair.

Fursuiters dressed as pirates at the height of the convention.
With any luck, I’ll be back in Chicago next year to see more of the city and spend another weekend with the animal people in my life. I’ve enough good memories and encouragement to fuel me and inspire me until we meet again.
All photos © 2013 Mary T. Capaldi unless otherwise noted.

I just got back from Pittsburgh and one of the most fun conventions ever! Anthrocon is a “furry” convention, aimed at fans of walking and talking animals in every imaginable form of media; it is attended by artists, costumers, authors, musicians, and plenty of other creative folks. This was my fifth year attending as a working artist but my first year out in the Dealer’s Room with a paid, weekend-long table instead of the Artist’s Alley where seats are free but distributed by daily lottery. I also participated in the Art Show with nine pieces hanging and had an image printed in the con book. It might look and sound like business – and with months of prep completed ahead of this con, it undoubtedly is – but Anthrocon is nothing if not a load of fun, even when busily making commissions and selling art. I wouldn’t miss it for the world any year.
A note to avoid confusion: at conventions like this, I and many other attendees are known by friends and fans under nicknames or chosen titles other than our birth names. I am referred to as “Nyomi Naomh” in convention material and others’ reports; here, I will note others’ names as I know them or feel is most appropriate.
Wednesday, July 3rd
Wednesday is for traveling! I departed Philadelphia in the morning with Susan (a friend and one of my roommates for the con) and we arrived in Pittsburgh in the late afternoon, where we was greeted by a small horde of friends at the main hotel. I settled in and located more friends until nearly everyone was accounted for; then we enjoyed dinner and drinks together in small groups. The fun ramped up in the streets around the convention center as the sun went down, and before long, I was bumping into further familiar faces at every turn. I spoke briefly with Amber “Miss Mab” Williams, author-artist of popular webcomic DMFA, and her friend, Damaris. Outside the the bar, Susan and I ran into Goldeen “Agent Elrond” (or “Rondie”) Ogawa, who is both a prolific creative mind and a delightful human being responsible for a great variety of written and illustrated material. We talked, laughed, took ridiculous pictures, and made lunch plans.

Left: Rondie stacks a fiber-optic mohawk on top of her real one.
Right: “Scribbledragon,” Susan, Onai, and me (photo credit Rondie, “Report: AnthroCon 2013”).
Thursday, July 4th
Thursday is a sort of semi-official social day during Anthrocon, when most people arrive by the end of the day and gatherings abound but vendors and panels are not yet open. Registration and badge pick-up opened early for regular attendees, though dealers had to wait until at least noon. In the meantime, I sat with a multitude of friends and artists in the “Zoo” – a large ballroom converted during Anthrocon into a massive social space – to draw, hang out, and plan for the rest of the convention.
Around this time, Kittiara came by with beautiful badges that Rondie, Susan, and I had commissioned from her of our personal characters. They look great just as digital scans, but the gold foil has to be seen to be believed.

“Nyomi” Byzantine badge by Kittiara.
Susan left our group long enough to get in costume and returned as the gorgeous “Mingchun,” originally built by Qarrezel of Clockwork Creature costumes as the “Sun Dragon.” She has performed this character in a variety of outfits over the years, including high fantasy-esque gear, but decided to go with a cute dress this time around. Rondie also got the opportunity to try on some of the Mingchun costume, which gave the dragon a very different spin; you can check out her take on Mingchun in her report.

Susan as “Mingchun” with Rondie’s octopus, Sally, on her head.
Eventually, 3pm rolled around and the convention center Teamsters came on duty, allowing Rondie and I to not only pick up our registration but head down to Dealer setup with our rolling bags. I wrestled with my tablecloth and wire cube panels but eventually got everything just right. After taking my bag and remaining gear back up to my room, I had dinner with friends and went to see the fireworks over the Allegheny. The main show was accented not only by stray fireworks set off from residences across the river but also by lightning bolts from a thunderstorm that struck simultaneously. Once it wrapped up, I went to the Thursday dances with a few friends but eventually decided to retire so I’d be ready for my first day of dealing in the morning.
Friday, July 5th
Friday morning was a familiar scramble to shower, dress, eat, and get down to Hall B in record time, though this year, I had the benefit of a permanent table already set up and the added task of hanging art in the Art Show before the first wave of shoppers were allowed into the Dealer’s Room. I ended up needing a little help to get my pieces onto the panels because I was just a bit too short to reach the top, and attempting to stand on a chair led to a startling reminder that some folding chairs will fold up on you if given the chance. Once finished, I ran back to my table and worked on a badge order until opening.

Me at my table, shortly after opening.
The first few hours of Friday are always the busiest – commissioners rush to get sketches or badges from their favorite artists before they fill up for the day or even the weekend. I booked a whole list of badges and had to close slots for the con before I knew it! I did accept a few take-home commissions, but sales after that were mostly charms and prints. “A Toast to Light” did especially well; I ran out of prints of it on Saturday.
Although pretty much any convention has an official badge showing purchase of membership and allowing admittance to events, attendees of furry conventions like to get artist badges done of their characters, often consisting of a bust and name that’s either laminated or put in a plastic holder for protection while being worn. They can be done in any medium, but I usually do mine with Copic art markers. I offered three types this year: the “Ridicudorable,” a full-body character in a cute, simple style; the “Portrait,” a medium-sized bust in a decorative oval frame; and the “Mixed Media,” a larger bust badge with an atmospheric watercolor background. Ridicudorable badges were the most popular.

Two Portrait badges and one Ridicudorable badge that I worked on.
Being in the Dealer’s Room this year was an interesting experience. For one, it put me in shouting distance of quite a few artists I’ve admired, worked with, or become friends with over the years, including Amber/”Miss Mab,” Angrboda, and Rondie. I associated with them and several others many times throughout the con, in and out of the Dealer’s Room. I was also approached by a Japanese gentleman for whom I’d made a badge last year. He presented me with a towel on which he’d embroidered the image I drew of his character! Near the end of the sales day, a staff member came by to pick up a sketch I’d done of him on the Anthrocon forums earlier in the year. Lots of people took my card, said they recognized my work, or complimented me on my pieces in the Art Show. Keys, Autumn, Kiry, Shira, and other friends helped me out by getting me food or drink or watching my table when I needed a quick break.
I spent most of the post-sales hours on Friday working on badges and spending time with friends. I know I ate dinner at some point, and I must have gone to bed because that’s where I woke up the next day.
Saturday, July 6th
Business quieted down a bit on Saturday, but I’ve come to expect this from Anthrocon; I worked on badge orders, turned over finished ones to commissioners who came by, and sold more prints and charms. In the afternoon, I swung by Rondie’s table to ask if she was going to Matthew Ebel‘s concert at 4pm. I had been unable to get to Further Confusion earlier in the year when he performed an entire album set to the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy film, and I was determined not to miss his Anthrocon show. Rondie said she intended to go (and did), so I returned to my table to keep working until then – but not before stopping by Amber/”Miss Mab”‘s table and buying a couple of the original pencils and inks of her comics!
The fursuit parade, a showcase of the convention’s many and varied animal-people costumes, came marching through the Dealer’s Room and kept going for about half an hour. I’m told the total number of costumers this year was somewhere around 1,300.

Rooth’ragon, made by Clockwork Creature and performed by Rooth.
At 4pm sharp, I ducked out of the Dealer’s Room and ran up to the Spirit of Pittsburgh ballroom for Matt’s concert. After a few songs, I made myself get up and join the small crowd of dancers at the front – it was too hard sitting still to all the upbeat songs! Everyone sat down in solemn silence, though, during “Prayer For Danny.” I had to leave just before the end of the show, but everything I saw and heard was wonderful.

Matthew Ebel performing “Drive Away.”
I worked the remaining time in the Dealer’s Room, closed up shop for the night, dropped my supplies off in my room, and made it back to the convention center in time for Kage’s Story Hour. This show is a series of true (if slightly embellished) stories told by Dr. Samuel Conway, or “Uncle Kage,” the chairman of Anthrocon. Kage opened with a silent performance involving wine and a large glass, then regaled the audience with the misfortunes of his hat, adventures with the police and the Anthrocon rental truck, tales of working emergency rescue, and a salute to a furry fan who was an EMT and recently died during an accident in his ambulance at the age of 24. By the end, everyone was standing and applauding.
I spent a little time in the Zoo at an art jam and then went to another table with other friends. Someone dressed as Ezio from Assassin’s Creed came by, and a couple people lined up behind him with folded hands as monks apparently do in the game. I joined in! The line must have surpassed twenty people and gone halfway around the room before Ezio finally noticed we were there. The first follower behind him mimed a deathblow to Ezio as punishment for his poor awareness of his surroundings.

Nine people, and he hasn’t noticed yet (photo credit Therian).
As if that wasn’t enough excitement, I attended Renard’s dance set at 1 am – the fastest, bounciest, wackiest, and best dance of the whole con. I worked my way from the back of the crowd to the front at the bottom of the stage over the course of the hour, jumping and headbanging and flailing among the sea of bodies and glowsticks and waves of throbbing bass. It was phenomenal. I don’t know how he does it.
Sunday, July 7
Action was slow in the Dealer’s Room, so after a few print sales and badge commission pick-ups, I decided to close up a little early and disassemble my table so I’d have a little time to actually enjoy lunch and do some shopping before the end of the con. I bought a cute zine from J. M. “Quaggy” Lones, got a hand-drawn bookmark from Rondie, and picked up a few things from Matthew Ebel. After the Art Show closed up bids for the con, I retrieved my pieces from the panels; “The Scarab Potter” was sold!

“The Scarab Potter” – original art sold!
Closing ceremonies had the effect it usually does – it offered some closure but also signaled the official time to be sad because I’d be saying goodbye to everyone soon. Even so, Rondie somehow managed to gather up a whole bunch of friends (which, at a convention, is like herding cats) to go out to eat together. It was dubbed “Dinnercon” and was the first time I ever had Indian food or got to talk to a few fascinating people I hope to know better in the future.
I spent the rest of the night hanging out with a bunch of friends. We played a ridiculous video game called Typing of the Dead that dissolved into hilarious, horrible jokes.
Monday, July 8
Susan and I packed up; our other roommate left to catch her plane, and we checked out of the hotel. Since there were a few hours to go until our bus was due to leave, we hung out in the hall next to Crazy Mocha. A timely tweet brought Rondie over to us, and we sat and talked and committed all manner of silly shenanigans. Then it was time to go.

Rondie and Susan with Dafydd (the dragon), Amyntas (the moth), and Susan’s new pet.
Bonus: Tuesday, July 9
I held Atlas moths at the Academy of Natural Sciences with Susan. The staff ogled my paintings. It was a good day.

All photos © 2013 Mary T. Capaldi unless otherwise noted.