March’s Cocoon Check

Posted Posted by Mary in Mothkeeping     Comments No Comments

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March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb, or so the saying goes. I was hoping to see early signs of spring sooner this month, as the last few years have been mild here, but it seems I expected too much of Mother Nature. We had a dusting of snow only a few days ago, and the week so far has been chilly. However, next week promises to be warmer, and the crocuses are coming up in the front yard. Perhaps April will reward my patience with budding trees and warmer temperatures. I am ready for my moths.

All three cocoons are doing well. I’ve given some thought to my eclosure setup since that time is approaching. With any luck, my next post will detail the final arrangement; spring should get around to settling in before much longer. If not, it will be May at the latest.

Getting tired of this snow!

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