Welcome Anthrocon Signage
6’x4′ large format sign for utility poles. Rush project done in under 48 hours.
Furnal Equinox 2019 Promo Button
Artwork for Furnal Equinox, where I was Guest of Honor in 2019.
PSU Brandywine Campus Illustrations
Commemorative commission of the Residence Hall and Student Union open Fall 2017.
That’s a Good Bumble
Fun bumblebee and hydrangea design for apparel, accessories, and household goods.
Themed commission done for a private client. Digital.
Elementals: ALCOHOL
Themed commission done for a private client. Digital.
Elementals: PSYCHIC
Themed commission done for a private client. Digital.
Insolent Youngsters
Part 2 of 2 of an art prank! Ink and watercolor 5×7″.
Part 1 of 2 of an art prank! Ink and watercolor 5×7″.
Elementals: KNOWLEDGE
Themed commission done for a private client. Digital.
Elementals: STAR
Themed commission done for a private client. Digital.
Elementals: SUN
Themed commission for a private client. Digital.